Beetlejuice Wiki
Armhold Musclehugger

Picture (mobile version)

Armhold Musclehugger (played by Keith Knight) is one of the characters in Beetlejuice: The Animated Series and is a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Armhold Musclehugger, (aka Mr. Neitherworld, who has the green skin and the yellow-blonde, flat top hair and yellow eyebrows) who's the current reigning King of Fitness and a bodybuilder in Neitherworld, but when he lost his title to Jacques LaLean, a skeleton, Armhold fell to toadying. He now works for Chester Slime as his well-muscled right hand man.

Characteristic Details[]

  • Name: Armhold Musclehugger
  • Profile: Well-defined
  • Status: bulgy
  • Catchphrase(s): "Hear me now and understand me later!"
  • Identified by: Bulging biceps and space to rent upstairs

Episode Appearance[]
